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搜尋參考資料: 1. www.santana.com The Ultimate Experience with Carlos Santana is an exclusive celebratory concert event headlined by Carlos. Only available to the first 60 registered guests, this ... www.todomusica.org/santana/discos.shtml Discografía de Santana: Información del disco, canciones, valoraciones y comentarios de los usuarios www.todomusica.org/santana Carlos Santana nació en 1947, en un pueblo mexicano llamado Autlan. Fue iniciado a la música tradicional por su padre, un músico de mariachi, aunque a Carlos le ... www.ultimatesantana.com A resource for information about Santana, including history, song and album facts and analyses, guitar and amp equipment specifications, and much more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_Santana Ultimate Santana is a collection by rock band Santana, combining hits from recent albums Supernatural, Shaman and All That I Am with early classics. |
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